Ways to Give

When you give to NewVue, you give to your neighbor

We believe that your support of our work means you believe in NewVue Communities and the power of those connected to our mission. In addition to securing funding through federal, state, and local foundations, we call on individuals to consider making a gift. We thank you for considering NewVue in your gift-giving. Gifts can be made online or by mailing a check to NewVue Communities.

Circle Large
Circle Small

Options that allow everyone to support our work

Annual Giving

Our Annual Appeal provides supporters the opportunity to give a gift during the year or during our fall fundraising campaign. These donations give us the flexibility to support operational costs or programs or projects that need additional financial support.

Community Investment Tax Credit Program

You can receive 50% of your gift back in tax credits for any donation made of $1,000 or more. Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities allocates Community Investment Tax Credits (CITC) to NewVue Communities to be used to match donations of $1,000 or more from local residents, businesses, and foundations.

Monthly Giving

For those who prefer to spread their giving over the year, your monthly gift can truly add up. Just $10 a month provides $120 of support. Just $50 a month results in $600 of impact for our communities. Auto-payments remind us monthly that you are invested in our work.