NewVue Helps Train Young Entrepreneurs

September 19, 2024

NewVue Communities was thrilled to play a role in helping train the next generation of young entrepreneurs through the LaunchSpace 2024 Creative Sector Pathway Program in Orange.

The Creative Sector Pathway Program (CSPP) is an opportunity for individuals, ages 13-24 to showcase their talents through an art form of their choosing and potentially turn that talent into a business, said NewVue Small Business Developer Sarah Tavitian.

Table showing the work of Creative Pathways students

Creative Pathways student work

The students recently completed a six-month creative exploration and entrepreneurship training culminating with a special graduation celebration, where they presented business ideas in front of their peers, family and advisors. They also received certificates from NewVue and Greenfield Community College.

Our small business technical assistance team, which also included Director of Small Business Ray Belanger, partnered with CSPP over the last year to teach students about entrepreneurship. Each class focused on topics related to a professional business plan including promotional strategies, sales channels, mission statements, competitors, target markets, and pricing strategies. The students were responsible for creating a business idea and developing a plan based on what they learned in class.

A recent graduate of the program, Makayla Capotosto of Crafts By Kayla, makes crocheted items like hats, scarves and baby blankets and sells her products locally at Red Apple Farm in Phillipston.

Sarah attended the recent graduation ceremony and said she was inspired by the students who had displays of their work set up for the audience to view. “When Ray and I approached Makayla’s table to congratulate her on a wonderful presentation, her response was ‘thank you both so much for everything, I could not have done it without your help.’ Although Makayla is responsible for the success of her business, it is rewarding to know that she gained entrepreneurial skills from the SBTA classes led by NewVue staff.”

LaunchSpace, Inc. is a non-profit corporation committed to innovative economic development in post-industrial, semi-rural communities that created a makerspace in Orange to serve the North Quabbin and surrounding community. It provides space and equipment for graphic design, 3D printing, pottery, woodshop, leather, textiles, jewelry, photography and more.

The Creative Sector Pathway Program is currently looking for students for 2024-25. For more information, visit here.