NewVue Annual Meeting Celebrates 45th Anniversary

June 5, 2024

With an Oscar theme as a backdrop, NewVue Communities rolled out the red carpet to celebrate our 45th year, present community awards, and honor outgoing board members at a star-studded 2024 Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 30. The “sold out” event was held at and sponsored by Fitchburg State University.

Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Edward Augustus Jr. made a special appearance as a guest speaker joining our staff, board members, community leaders, and guests. We were honored to welcome Secretary Augustus, who congratulated the organization for 45 years of commitment to the community and ensuring that no resident falls through the cracks. “NewVue sets the standard for CDCs,’ he said.

Secretary Edward Augustus Jr. and Marc Dohan

Congratulations to each of our award winners, all of whom have contributed to the renewed energy and revitalization of downtown Fitchburg!

  • The Small Business Award was presented to Alex Schinas and Mark McCaffrey, owners of the popular Rise & Grind café on Main Street.
  • The Community Partnership Award went to Fitchburg Access Television and was accepted by Nate Glenny, executive director.
  • Monique Reverie, the Downtown Coordinator and Program & Marketing Manager at InTown Fitchburg received the Luz Sanchez Resident Leadership Award.
Alex Schinas

Rise & Grind received recognition for its stellar success in expanding its business, implementing profitable strategies, and offering a great dining option on Main Street in Fitchburg.

FATV received the Community Partnership Award in recognition of making its programming more accessible to all in the community, specifically by integrating the Spanish-speaking community. “FATV’s award letter stated, “Our work has made for a more inclusive Fitchburg assuring access to all,” noting that FATV continues to thrive as a Fitchburg institution.

Nathan Glenny and Dolores Thibault-Muñoz
Monique Reverie

Reverie was notified she was selected in recognition of her leadership and advocacy work in the community. She has been a leader in our Community Steward’s program, a fierce advocate for InTown Fitchburg, and tireless in her work to take advantage of Fitchburg’s assets to make Fitchburg a better place for residents to live, work, and invest.

We also recognized three outstanding community members who have served a combined 61 years on the NewVue board. The two retiring members are Barbara Abraham, a Leominster resident who joined the board in 2011; and Fitchburg resident Emily MacRae who served 25 years starting in 1999. Barbara and Emily’s dedication and advocacy for the people of North Central Massachusetts have been invaluable and will be missed.

Emily MacRae
Thomas Gray

Special thanks to Board President and Lunenburg resident Thomas Gray, who has served as a board member since 2001. The NewVue board and staff are thrilled that he has agreed to stay on for one more year as president.

We are grateful to our guests who spent the evening with us, many of whom arrived in Oscar attire. “It was an evening to celebrate NewVue’s work, the community’s work, and the support of those who joined us, and we certainly did just that,” said Marc Dohan, Executive Director.

NewVue Communities was founded 45 years ago in 1979 as the Cleghorn Neighborhood Development Corporation, expanding in 1985 to encompass all of Fitchburg and again in 1995 to include its “twin city” of Leominster.

In 2015, the organization changed its name to NewVue Communities to reflect a new regional focus. Since its inception 45 years ago, NewVue’s team has focused on economic development strategies, adding affordable housing and in recent years, community organizing, to more effectively harness the energy and voice of the community.