NewVue Communities Graduates 65 Stewards

May 5, 2023

NewVue Communities celebrated the graduation of 65 stewards on Wednesday, May 3 at the Highland Baptist Church in Fitchburg. Presented with certificates of completion, the graduates represented cohorts who participated in training series focused on the arts, youth and civic engagement, childcare entrepreneurs, and community organizing. The program is designed to provide residents with leadership development in a number of topics that equip them with the tools to impact the quality of life in their communities.  

Marc Dohan, Executive Director for NewVue welcomed the audience and recognized the work and leadership of each graduate, and acknowledged the important partnerships that the steward training program has developed over the years. This past year, NewVue partnered with Fitchburg Cultural Alliance, The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the Wachusett Area Social Justice Alliance, the Health Equity Partnership (of the Community Health Network of North Central Massachusetts -Region 9) and Empower Children for Success. He noted that what started as the first cohort of ten students in 2018 is now a group of over 300 stewards.

Ines Palmarin

Guest speaker, Ines Palmarin, is the Working Cities Challenge Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and Co-Leader of the Leaders for Equitable Local Economies. Leaders for Equitable Local Economies is a pilot initiative that aims to support leaders who are working to make their local economies more inclusive. Ms. Palmarin worked closely with Marites MacLean and Beth Robbins to offer training opportunities to those interested in the childcare profession. Ines said, “the early childcare initiative, as you can see from all the caps and gowns is real. By launching graduates into the early childcare career path this evening, you have already leveled up opportunities not only for the graduates and their families but also for the Fitchburg community. It takes not just leadership but the willingness to want to work together toward a shared vision.”

Beth Robbins, a community steward leader also addressed the graduates. Beth spoke of her journey as a steward. “I became a steward in 2019 because I wanted a place where I belonged, and I could reach my own goals and those of my community. NewVue was that program that was the gateway for me to be able to connect with other people who shared a heart for stewardship and were looking to do some really good things in the community. It opened doors to meeting people and growing in leadership.”

Anyone interested in becoming involved in NewVue Communities’ Steward Leadership Development Program isencouraged to reach out to Francisco Ramos, Director of Community Organizing, at